Medicare Part A and B costs 2025
Medicare Savings Program may be able to help with the cost of original Medicare including premiums and out-of-pocket costs.
- Current gross monthly income limits are $1,781 (single) and $2,400 (couple) before Part B premiums are deducted.
- To apply, contact your
local state Aging and People with Disabilities office by calling 800-282-8096 (toll-free). TTY users should call 800-282-8096 (toll-free).
Prescription drug costs 2025
Social Security offers help with prescription drug costs through the
Limited Income Subsidy Program, also known as “Extra Help."
Current gross monthly income limits are $1,976 (single) and $2,664 (couple) before Part B premiums are deducted.
Resources are considered for this program. Resource limits are $17,600 (single) and $35,130 (couple)
- To learn more
visit Social Security's website or call 800-772-1213 (toll-free). TTY users should call 800-325-0778 (toll-free).
- Oregon SHIBA's counselors can also help you complete and submit an application for the Extra Help program.
Oregon Prescription Drug Program may be able to reduce out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs.
Medicare Part B and D savings
New help for Medicare costs!