Medicare help is available
Thousands of Oregonians get their Medicare questions answered by certified Medicare counselors working with the Oregon Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) program. Medicare open enrollment for Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug plans is October 15 to December 7. Don't miss your opportunity to shop, compare and make enrollment decisions.
Medicare presentations
SHIBA and local partners offer presentations to help Medicare beneficiaries understand Medicare programs.
Find local Medicare help
SHIBA and local partners provide free Medicare counseling services. If you want to schedule an appointment, call a local office (use the search tool below to find an office near you), or call 800-722-4134 (toll-free), or email
SHIBA Certified Counselors: Certified Medicare counselors provide objective, unbiased information, answer general Medicare questions, help people understand available insurance options, and help them learn whether they qualify for income-related benefits. They can not recommend a Medicare plan.
Medicare Agents: These licensed insurance agents can help you enroll in a Medicare plan. Only insurance agents can recommend which Medicare plan may be best for you.